Seattle Premium Green Home Cleaning

Services & Rates

Craft Green Cleaning


We offer 3 types of cleaning all at $55/hr

Re-occurring home cleaning

weekly, bi/tri weekly or monthly.
(our most popular service)

Change-over cleaning

Moving in/out, apartment/condo lease changeovers.

AirBnB/VRBO cleaning

Cleaning focused on preparing a rental space before guests arrive


All of our services include

  • Kitchens and bathrooms are thoroughly scrubbed.

  • Wet dusting all rooms, flat surfaces, furniture and accessible trim including baseboards.

  • Vacuuming of all floors, upholstered furniture, and mopping of applicable floors.

  • High dusting all rooms, light fixtures, and ceiling fans.

  • Cleaning/shining of glass surfaces, mirrors, and shiny bits.

  • Dry dusting of electronic devices

  • Every clean is a deep clean

In addition to the list above, Change-over & AirBnB/VRBO include:

  • Interior of refrigerators/cabinets/cupboards/drawers/interior windows.

  • Making/changing of beds, folding laundry, starting laundry (by request).


Time is a big, precious, unrenewable resource
— Brené Brown PhD LMSW


How we are green:

We use only plant-derived, environmentally friendly, biodegradable, people and pet-safe cleaning solutions, and techniques. Our number one ingredient is a combination of hard work and attention to detail.

All of our sponges/towels/scrubbers/scrappers are either compostable or recyclable.

All of our supplies, tools, and equipment are re-usable, reducing landfill waste.

We try to geographically cluster appointments to reduce the time spent driving, and idling.

We are a paper-free company.

We source all of our supplies locally, when possible.